Wednesday, October 14, 2015


It's that time of year again. What time is that you ask? Well it's PUMPKIN TIME!!!!  Pack 8 and Troop 8 are teaming together for the 2nd annual Troop/Pack 8 Pumpkin Patch. Check out the questions and answers below for more information.

Q: Where is the Pumpkin Patch?
A: The patch sits on the grassy patch on the corner of the St. James UMC's property which is bound by Ryan Road and Vaughn Road.

Q: When does the Patch appear?
A: The Patch will magically appear Saturday 17 October around 3pm, you don't want to miss it.

Q: When does the Patch disappear?
A: The Patch will go back to its magical storage location after 31 October.

Q: What is the purpose of this Magical Pumpkin Patch?
A: The Troop and Pack sell pumpkins as a fund raiser to offset expenses for each Scout who along with their family participates in the selling of these magical pumpkins.

Q: How can the Scouts and Families participate?
A: There will be an online calendar in a few days to sign-up for time slots to manage the magical patch.

Q: How long must a Scout and/or Family manage the magical patch?
A: The magical patch must me managed/watched 8 hours a day. Therefore there will be 2 shifts daily. Each shift is 4 hours long.

Q: What times are the shifts?
A:  Shift 1 is from 11am - 3pm and shift 2 is from 3pm - 7pm.

Q: What days are the shifts available?
A: Shifts will start on Sunday 18 October and run through 31 October. This includes Weekdays and Weekends.  Everyday has to be covered.

Q: Wait you said it appears on 17 October, is there not shift then?
A: No shifts on 17 October, but we need all hands available to ensure that the Patch appears in the right location. (We will be unloading pumpkins from 3pm until it is finished)

Q: Can Scouts/Families get credit for 17 October?
A: Why of course anyone working the arrival gets credit of 1 shift.

Q: Will the Great Pumpkin visit the patch?
A: The only way to find out is to sign-up and manage the magical patch. Who knows what will happen when you blend boys and outside, it's usually Magic!

So be on the look out for a follow-up post that has the link to the calendar.  Sign-up and work the shifts available. Last year we earned enough to pay for each Scout who worked to attend the McWane Center Event (we spent the night at the McWane Center in Birmingham with multiple day access).

If you have any questions, please contact your den leader.

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