Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Monday 26 October is Pack 8's next Pack Meeting. In the spirit of Halloween, we will host a pumpkin decorating contest.  Here are the details on the contest:

1. Pumpkins can be painted or carved
3. Contest is for bragging rights only, show off your Cub Scout and Family Talent.
4. Entries will be assigned a number when submitted.
5. Judging will be conducted prior to the meetings start. Come early to turn in your entry and vote.

I know a great place to purchase a good quality pumpkin for a great cause. Stop by the Troop/Pack 8 Pumpkin Patch this weekend and get a great pumpkin to show off your skills.

Medical Forms for Camping

We need a medical form for all people attending any camp out. For this weekend at Cub Carnival we need one for each parent and child who is attending.  You can find the form at this link BSA Medical Form.

Complete sections A and B. Bring with you and turn them into Chris Fain or Craig Spraggins.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cub Carnival

Ok so the week that Pack 8 attends Cub Carnival is here.  I know you all are itching for information so I'm going to help you.

Let's start with Friday:  Between the hours of 4:00pm and 6:30pm I (Craig, Cub Master) and Chris
Fain will have the trailer beside the Pumpkin Patch. Bring your camping items that you want hauled down to the campsite.  This should not include any clothing or food items. You need to bring those yourself.  Keep it light as it can be a hike into the campsite.  We can talk about this as you drop your gear off.

Saturday: You need to locate the parking area at Camp Tuk.  Use the this LINK (Directions to Tuk) to open a Google Map that has directions from St. James UMC to Camp Tuk.  There will be someone in the parking lot to instruct you as to which campsite we are located at.  I will have the trailer there before High Noon!

All the other information you may want to know that we have been given is listed below.  If you want to fish you will have to bring your own gear. Council will provide bait (worms). 

                                               2015 Cub Carnival Schedule
Please drive slowly as you enter the parking lot!!!

10:00- 12:00 p.m.        Registration – shuttles run until 12 00 p.m.
***** Only one vehicle per pack in the campsite to help shuttle in gear. Vehicle must remain parked in camp or in parking lot!

Program Schedule:
12:30                    Opening ceremony at flag pole behind dining hall
1:00- 4:00            *Cuboree
**4:30- 6:00        Dinner
6:15                      Costume contest in activity field
6:30- 9:00            Carnival
9:00- until           Go back to your campsite!
**7:00- 7:30        Breakfast
7:30                      Shuttles begin running

** Two seating’s are required.
* New cuboree format

Pack Leaders, parent and Scout reminders:

·          Always use the Buddy System at all times here at Camp Tukabatchee.
·          No open toed shoes allowed, must have boots or tennis shoes.
·          Must have earned Wittlin’ Chip to have a knife. NO fixed blade knives allowed in camp.
·          Parents, please stay with your children during the Carnival, help us watch them.
·          Please teach them to respect these campsites. We are guest here! No climbing gateways or tearing up fire rings. NO breaking tree limbs or cutting live trees.
·          Don’t litter…..if you see litter, please pick it up and put it in the trash.
·          The campfire ring is for wood; please don’t throw your trash in the fire ring. Teach the boys that all trash goes in the trash cans.
·          Please set all your trash bags out by the road at the end of camp!
·          NO portable heaters or fires in your tent!

What to Bring:                                                                                   
·          Tent                                                                                        
·          Waterproof ground cloth                                         
·          Sleeping bag or blanket                                                           
·          Flashlight & batteries                                                                              
·          Pillows                                                                                    
·          Closed toe shoes                                                     
Think About:                                                                                         
·          Air mattress or pad                                                 
·          Chairs (camping)                                                    
·          Bug spray & sunscreen                                                        
·          Snacks/drinks                                                                         
·          Jackets                                                                                    
·          Camera                                                                                   
·          Hat/cap                                                                                                                   
·          Poncho/raincoat                                                                      
·          Toothpaste/toothbrush            
Helpful Hints:        
·          Load all your packs’ gear on one truck and/or trailer prior to arriving at camp.                             
·          We will be running shuttles to the campsites for your camping gear.
·          No ATV’s or golf carts in camp!
·          No Pets!
·          Please be at opening (12:30 P.M.) on time to ensure we start on time.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Calendar

Alright this is the momement you've been waiting for.  Right here in this post is the link to the calendar where you and your family can sign-up to work the magical pumpkin patch and if you are lucky maybe just maybe the great pumpkin will show!


Please email me at or Mike Mann at to be added to a time slot.  Please provide at least 2 options for slots in order of preference.

Don't forget that tomorrow Saturday 17 October 2015 at 3pm we need as many hands as possible to unload the truck.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


It's that time of year again. What time is that you ask? Well it's PUMPKIN TIME!!!!  Pack 8 and Troop 8 are teaming together for the 2nd annual Troop/Pack 8 Pumpkin Patch. Check out the questions and answers below for more information.

Q: Where is the Pumpkin Patch?
A: The patch sits on the grassy patch on the corner of the St. James UMC's property which is bound by Ryan Road and Vaughn Road.

Q: When does the Patch appear?
A: The Patch will magically appear Saturday 17 October around 3pm, you don't want to miss it.

Q: When does the Patch disappear?
A: The Patch will go back to its magical storage location after 31 October.

Q: What is the purpose of this Magical Pumpkin Patch?
A: The Troop and Pack sell pumpkins as a fund raiser to offset expenses for each Scout who along with their family participates in the selling of these magical pumpkins.

Q: How can the Scouts and Families participate?
A: There will be an online calendar in a few days to sign-up for time slots to manage the magical patch.

Q: How long must a Scout and/or Family manage the magical patch?
A: The magical patch must me managed/watched 8 hours a day. Therefore there will be 2 shifts daily. Each shift is 4 hours long.

Q: What times are the shifts?
A:  Shift 1 is from 11am - 3pm and shift 2 is from 3pm - 7pm.

Q: What days are the shifts available?
A: Shifts will start on Sunday 18 October and run through 31 October. This includes Weekdays and Weekends.  Everyday has to be covered.

Q: Wait you said it appears on 17 October, is there not shift then?
A: No shifts on 17 October, but we need all hands available to ensure that the Patch appears in the right location. (We will be unloading pumpkins from 3pm until it is finished)

Q: Can Scouts/Families get credit for 17 October?
A: Why of course anyone working the arrival gets credit of 1 shift.

Q: Will the Great Pumpkin visit the patch?
A: The only way to find out is to sign-up and manage the magical patch. Who knows what will happen when you blend boys and outside, it's usually Magic!

So be on the look out for a follow-up post that has the link to the calendar.  Sign-up and work the shifts available. Last year we earned enough to pay for each Scout who worked to attend the McWane Center Event (we spent the night at the McWane Center in Birmingham with multiple day access).

If you have any questions, please contact your den leader.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Auburn AG Discovery Day

This is a great event that is free and only 20 minutes from St. James UMC.

Ag Discovery Adventure

October 10, 2015 — 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Hosted by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station and Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, Ag Discovery Adventure will offer adults and children entertaining and enlightening hands-on activities and presentations that will showcase agricultural technology and illustrate the key role agriculture plays in every aspect of our lives. They will explore the multi-faceted world of agriculture, from crop and animal production to home gardening to buzzwords like sustainability and bioenergy.

Here's a link to directions from St. James UMC: Directions to AG Discovery Adventure

P.R.A.Y. Religious Emblem Class 2015

Friend in Scouting,

Starting October 18th First United Methodist Church, Montgomery, will be sponsoring the P.R.A.Y. series of classes for local youth.  Successful completion of these classes allows a Scout to receive and wear a religious medallion (Boy or Girl).  To complete this course the boys and girls are to have a meeting with the pastor of their church.  If the child is not a member of First United Methodist, we will help to make arrangements with your church or provide a pastor for you.  These classes are open to all  protestant youth regardless of their church affiliation.

Protestant churches associated with this particular program are:  Methodist, A.M.E, C.M.E, Baptist,Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Church of Christ (Christian Scientist), Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, United Pentecostal and Independent Christian Churches.  If you have questions regarding your faith and the program please contact Dale Alexander (information below).

Here is some important information for all of you: Grade Groups:

1st-3rd Grade:  God and Me.  5 Sundays @ 1:30, starting the week of October 18th and ending the 15th of November.

4th-6th Grade:  God and Family. 7 Sundays @ 1:30, starting the week of October 18th and ending the 6th of December.  For those attending Arrow of Light Camporee, arrangements will be made to accommodate.  There is an extra week in the schedule due to Thanksgiving School Break, this will be discussed during the first class.
6th-8th Grade:  God and Church. 7 Sundays @ 1:30, starting the week of October 18th1:30 and ending on the 6th of December.  There is an extra week in the schedule due to Thanksgiving School Break, this will be discussed during the first class.

9th-12th Grade: God and Life.  If there is interest the class would start on October 18th1:30 and run as required.  This course is a directed study and requires a commitment to read the Bible daily for 3 months to complete the course.  Please contact Dale Alexander for more information.

If a child were to finish all 4 of the courses (one for each grade group) he/she will be able to wear a "Four Star Pin" along with the God and Life medallion.  The cost to the children is $5 for the book and is due at the first class.  All other required materials will be provided.  There is an additional charge for the medallion and patches.  They cannot be ordered until the children have completed the course.  Those items will be discussed during the first meeting on October 18th @ 1:30.

Please contact Dale Alexander (  or 334.279.3880) to register for the course.  Please do so before October 12th so that I can order the appropriate number of books and ensure we have enough teachers.  If you would like to help out that is also appreciated.

You can also visit!pray/cl0g for more information.