Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cub Carnival

Pack 8 is attending the second weekend (October 24th). Parents you can attend the earlier session if that works for you but you will be paired with other units.

This is an overnight event so pack according.  We will be allowed 1 vehicle in the campsite. This truck usually has the trailer attached to it.  More to come on that.

Signup nights are 28 September (already passed) and 5 October.  Flyer above has prices.

Monday, September 28, 2015

BSA Medical Forms:

Parents, it is a requirement of the Pack by BSA to have a medical form for all Scouts on hand.  Additionally, if anyone (adult or youth) attend a campout, a BSA medical form must be on hand or provided.

Here is the link BSA MEDICAL FORM that will send you to the fill-able form.  For Cub Scouts, Sections A and B is all that is required.

All Scouts, Parents, and other individuals who wish to attend the Cub Carnival or other Pack Excursion will be required to have a medical form turned in to the Pack.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pack 8 Campout

Saturday 19 September 2015 after Bobcat Day or before if your Den Leader has notified you of an event, Pack 8 will be camping at the beautify Camp Tukabatchee. Chris Fain is planning to arrive around 3. If you have not received direction from your Den Leader then plan to arrive after 3.


If you are unsure of where Camp Tuk is located please click the link above.

We will be camping in Campsite 3 - Bear.

What you will need:

  • Tent
  • Ground Cloth - to go under tent
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Clothes - check the weather a pack appropriately. It is always wise to change underwear and socks before bed. Sweaty undergarments can actually keep you colder than fresh clothing when sleeping.
  • Sunscreen and Bug Repellent
  • Hat - just because
  • Snacks - we will be providing Dinner and SMORES but you may want something else for a snack.
  • Water Bottle - you need this always
  • A Do Your Best Attitude!!!!
We are going to enjoy a nice evening in the woods with our Scouts. This is a laid back event. Games maybe played, fun will be had and yes skits will be performed.  Don't worry if your Den Leader is not attending we will work something out so all boys participate and have fun.

Bobcat Day

Bobcat Day is this Saturday 19 September 2015 at Camp Dexter Hobbs.  Sign-in begins at 0800 and the events are scheduled to start at 0845.

What will you need:

1.  Clothes - shorts and t-shirts are appropriate. You do not need to wear their uniform. Closed toes shoes are a must (tennis shoes are a great).

2. Sunscreen - bring what you like.

3. Bug Spray - don't think it should be an issue but you never know.

4. Hat - you want to keep your dome covered as this is out in an open field most of the time.

5. Water Bottle - it is essential to stay hydrated. A dehydrated Scout is not a Happy Scout.

6.  Rocket - bring your rocket you got at sign-up to launch.

7.  Food - If you didn't pay for lunch or have specific needs, please bring something for you and your Scout to eat. You may also want to pack snacks if your Scout needs a boost in the middle of the afternoon.

Camp Dexter Hobbs - This camp is set back off of Autauga County Road 40, that's North of Prattville a piece but not near Birmingham. See it's over Yonder!  So if you click HERE then you should get a Google Map leading you from St. James UMC to Camp Dexter Hobbs. Take the route the leads up I-65.

Here's a nice aerial shot of the lovely Camp Dexter Hobbs. You can see it has some good open space.

So again to make sure you have directions for those who have never visited please click on the link below for directions from St. James UMC to Camp Dexter Hobbs.